Everyone knows that I love babies (of course!) and with all of their sweet cuddles and fresh new baby smell what could possibly be better than a baby?
Two babies!
I first met this family at their maternity session this Winter and had such a wonderful time with them. They were a joy to photograph and I eagerly anticipated the news of their little girls’ arrival so I could meet their newest little ones.
I can imagine that when your amount of children double overnight it can be quite an adjustment for everyone but this family rocked their newborn session.
For their newborn session this family picked soft colours and a beautiful classic look to their photos, perfect for showing off all of their little girls’ tiny features.
After taking their first photos as a family of 6 the boys nestled in with their little sisters for the sweetest sibling photos together. The boys did an incredible job posing for their photos, they are clearly very proud big brothers!
It was important to mom and dad that we capture each girls’ little details during the session. Babies change so quickly so it’s wonderful to have beautiful closeups that you can look back on to remember all of their unique characteristics. When taking their closeups it was so neat to see all of the little differences between the twins!
While it’s so important to capture twins on their own one of my favourite parts of a twin newborn session is when I pose them together. The sleepy, sweet photos of the girls cuddling together melt my heart!