Parents are often surprised about the tips we provide that help them to prepare their toddlers, kids, and teens for photo sessions.  Choosing their outfits is actually not even in our top five tips for getting your family ready for a photo session!

Like any special event (a family function, a recital, visiting a new place), the more time you take to prepare your kids for what to expect, the more successful the occasion usually is.  When kids feel unprepared and are faced with a new situation, they can often experience intense emotions. That can be excitement, anger, anxiety, or fear. This is why we always send out step-by-step instructions to clients on how to talk to, and above all, to prepare their kids for photo session day.

Tip for preparing kids for photo sessions

Here are a few of our favourite ways to get your kids involved in preparing for the photo session:

  • Show them photos of the photographer and where the photos will be taken ahead of time
  • If you ask “do you have any questions?” and their answer is no, assume that is not indeed the case.  This is a great chance to also say “well here are some of the things I was wondering about our photo session”. This will help encourage dialogue about things they may be too nervous to ask about.
  • Show them examples of the kinds of photos you are going to be taking
  • Talk about photo session day using “first, then” language.  First we will drive to the session: it will take about 30 minutes. Then, when we arrive, we are going to put on our outfits.  
  • Plan a special activity after photos. Not as a bribe, but to add a way to connect with each other after your photo session.  Perhaps it’s exploring a new park near where your photos are taking place. Or maybe a stop for a special drink or treat.