My clients have amazing ideas for milestone sessions! These kiddos’ mom combined a 3rd birthday session with a half birthday session. This meant they both got to have special photos of their milestones and photos of the two of them together.
I offer milestone sessions for babies, toddlers, and children of all ages throughout the year and there are no limits to the possibilities of ideas for these sessions. Read on for five of the most popular ideas for milestone sessions!
New Milestones
Babies and children are a constant stream of amazement. The way they grow so quickly and surprise us with new skills is fascinating to watch and celebrate. Often clients book a milestone session when their baby starts to sit up. Other popular baby milestones that parents (and myself!) love to capture on camera are pushing up off their bellies, standing up, crawling, and clapping. And capturing milestones at a session doesn’t end at one year either! A first lost tooth, first dance steps, and learning to read have all been great ideas to include at a milestone session.
Including a family heirloom in a milestone session is a wonderful way to help capture your family’s story. And the photos created of your child with the heirloom become treasured gifts to extended family members. Each heirloom my clients have brought with them to their milestone sessions have been different and all such great ideas.
Handmade blankets or outfits as ideas for milestone sessions
Many hours of time (and much love!) have been included in the making of handmade blankets or outfits. Has your child been lucky enough to have been gifted a handmade blanket or outfit? Incorporating it into a milestone session is a beautiful way to both thank the person who made it and to remember your child enjoying it.
Items from a parent’s childhood
Bringing along a toy or other item that a parent had when they were little is increasingly one of the most popular ideas for milestone sessions. I love seeing the nostalgia on mom or dad’s face as they watch their child with their childhood item. Some clients even start a series of photos with the item at a newborn session. They then bring the special item back for updated milestone photos. This also becomes an amazing before and after type photo to show off just how much their child has grown next to the item.
Favourite toys or books
While there are truly an endless amount of ideas for milestone sessions if you’re stuck on what to do you will likely hear us suggest bringing along your child’s favourite toy or book. Your little one’s interests and favourites will change countless times throughout their childhood. You will likely forget just how much they loved to press ‘teddy’ up against their face. Or how many times they would flip through the pages of the same dog eared book. The photos of your child enjoying their favourite things will be something you will always treasure. If they enjoy the toy or book it’s also a wonderful way to ensure you will have happy, smiley photos of your little one.