Can we bring it to our session with us? | I love when clients have ideas for incorporating meaningful items into their sessions. Because we do all of our planning for sessions ahead of time, we ask clients to let us know if they are thinking of bringing anything to their session with them. The reasons we ask that clients let us know in advance is so that:
-We can ask questions about the item and why it’s important to them. Sometimes during our discussion, clients will have the realization that there is actually something else they would rather include or a different idea that is more meaningful to them.
-To make sure that the item is personal and important and not something they are replicating from someone else’s photos or Pinterest. In our experience, these photos end up on the “no” list when clients make their selections as they don’t have a personal connection to the idea and the resulting photo. We always create our session plan with intention and meaning, which is why we ask these types of questions as we want clients to feel connected to their images.
-We can ensure that the item will fit in the studio and is safe to use during a session. For example, fragile glass heirlooms at a session with toddlers would definitely be on our “do not recommend” list
-We prepare a unique session plan for every client. If we don’t know ahead of time that they are bringing something, we can’t plan for how we will use the item. We always want to consider the backdrop and ways to use the memento in a way that is beautiful and meaningful to the family.
Can we bring it to our session with us?
This client had a beautiful cathedral veil from her wedding that she wanted to incorporate into her maternity session. Used in the traditional way, the veil photographs beautifully when laid out on the floor. But we wanted the focus of the session to be on her pregnancy, which is why we flipped the veil around to turn it into a one of a kind dress!