Family photos in the Fall is a popular choice for Ottawa families looking to update their albums. This Fall Mother Nature gave us not only gorgeous colours but also lots of warm and sunny days. After dodging rain drops all last Fall, we were all surprised with the amount of pleasant days this Fall. We don’t need the warmth or sun for fun to be had at photo sessions, but it sure was a treat!

For these lovely families it was so warm on the day of our sessions that even wearing shoes was optional. There are not that many October days where you can feel free to kick off your shoes to run faster. And boy did we ever have fun running in the forest! Running, jumping, and playing amongst the pretty leaves is an amazing way to spend your Ottawa Fall family photo session.

Their Ottawa Fall family photo sessions

For sessions with my smallest clients, we kept moving for most of the sessions. For almost all of my toddler clients, lots of action and playtime was a hit with them. Candid, action shots of families enjoying time together is a great way to capture memories. For children who love to be busy, lots of action usually also means we can pause in between activities for a few calm and posed photos.

The older children who came with their families for Ottawa Fall sessions were less into running between photos and more into sharing lots of laughs. I love that my clients think I’m funny and that I tell great jokes. The older my own children get the less they think I’m funny so I will forever appreciate client smiles and laughter.

With dry grounds and colourful leaves up high we had lots of options for photos this Fall. Both cuddly, seated family photos as well as standing portraits were available to us, we took best advantage of what Mother Nature gifted us in Ottawa this Fall. I hope we are just as lucky next year as we were this year. What an incredible Fall session season we had!