The Ottawa Arboretum is a favourite location for photography sessions. It’s a favourite spot both for my clients as well as for myself. It’s one of those special locations that can be used for sessions all year long. From Winter all the way though to Summer and Fall.

For these lovely families we met up in the Arboretum in late September. Late September, when the seasons of Summer and Autumn meet is a particularly lovely time of year. The weather hasn’t yet shifted to cooler temperatures but there is starting to be a deepening of the colours in the trees.

Ottawa Arboretum photography sessions began in the late afternoon when the sun was starting to lower in the sky. When we arrived at the location, we were thrilled to see beautiful beams of sunlight shining through the trees. We couldn’t have asked for a more pleasant day! The sun-kissed trees in the Arboretum gave families a beautiful backdrop for their photos.

Their photography sessions at the Ottawa Arboretum

Most of the families who met up with me for a photography session in the Ottawa Arboretum that day were families I had photographed before. It was amazing to catch up with so many repeat clients and see how much their children have grown. It was also such a pleasure to meet new clients as I helped them capture updated photos of their family.

One of the best things about meeting a new family at a session is showing them just how much fun it can be. Photo sessions aren’t always every family member’s idea of a fun time. For this reason, I love convincing the more hesitant that a photo session can actually be easy and enjoyable. Sharing lots of laughs while we play or chat is a wonderful way to spend a photography session in the Ottawa Arboretum!