A fruit bath was the perfect way to celebrate this cutie’s first birthday! I’m not sure how Miss E is already one but I was excited to help capture her big day. A baby’s first year always goes by so quickly. It’s always a shock to me how fast time flew by when a baby comes back one year after their newborn session for birthday photos.

A lot of clients choose to have a cake smash or a fruit bath at their baby’s first birthday session. A cake smash is fun for many babies but it is not the only option. When selecting the type of birthday activity for your child’s session it’s important to think about what they like. For some babies a special birthday treat like cake is perfect. For other babies, a bigger success might be a first birthday fruit bath, painting, reading books, or playing with favourite toys. There is no best first birthday session activity, it 100% depends on each baby’s own unique personality and likes.

Her lemony first birthday fruit bath

For Miss E’s session, mom and dad chose a fruit bath for her activity. For babies that love the water and bath time a fruit bath is a fun and photogenic session activity. The fruit bath turned out to be the perfect choice for Baby E! She loved sitting in the water and playing with the floating lemon slices. The expressions on her face as she fished out the slippery slices and tasted the sour fruit were priceless.

In addition to her fruit bath, we also included more traditional first birthday portraits. Mom found a pretty white dress that was ideal for the colourful rainbow backdrop she chose. She looked absolutely adorable as she showed off how well she could stand up. Fun first birthday photos and a fruit bath was an incredible way to celebrate Miss E’s amazing first year!