A six month milestone session in studio is a great way to celebrate a half birthday and capture all of a baby’s incredible changes. The days can feel long at times when you’re in the midst of sleepless nights. But when you stop to take a breath that first year always suddenly seems so very short.
I love milestone sessions during baby’s first year. No matter what the age of baby parents are always blown away when they see their little one’s photos. Not only are the photos always precious and adorable but to see the moment frozen in time is eye-opening when you see just how much baby has changed. The first year is such a busy time that you don’t always notice time speeding right by. A six month milestone session in studio is the perfect way to freeze time so that you’ll always remember this stage in your baby’s life.
Different sets for his six month milestone session in studio
For Mr. S’s six month milestone session in studio in we planned several different looks and backdrops for his photos. To start his session we planned for a celebratory half birthday set complete with balloons, a glittery backdrop, and a 6 to mark how many months he was turning. He wasn’t quite sure what to think of the balloons at first. He seemed really curious about how the balloons would bounce and float along the floor. It’s incredible how aware and curious babies become just a few short months after birth. Baby S took everything in at his six month month milestone session in studio and never stopped looking around the studio for long.
Before moving him to the next backdrop we laid little Mr. S on the floor for a couple of photos from above. All babies are different but they often love this pose. Sure enough Mr. S was thrilled to be chatted to as I photographed him from above and he even gave me an adorable grin.
Next up for his six month milestone session in studio were photos of him sitting on my antique toddler bed. The toddler bed is always a popular choice for babies and toddlers, it’s such a fun set for them and photographs beautifully.
We finished up Mr. S’s milestone session with a splash of colour in the blue of my fluffy rug and the most adorable denim overalls. I always say that there are not many things cuter than a baby in overalls. This adorable little one proved me right again at his six month milestone session in studio. Happy half birthday Mr. S!