This beautiful blue rainbow for a baby boy was a very special photo I took at his newborn session. The special shot was inspired by his two year old sister’s photo that I took at her own newborn session. I can’t believe it has already been two years since then. Her session feels as if it took place yesterday!

Big sister made it clear just how much she had grown up though. She was proud to show off her baby brother to me and was incredible at following my posing directions. She is going to be an amazing big sister and a great helper with her new baby brother.

After we captured their family photo, everyone got a turn for a photo with Baby D before getting started with the beautiful blue rainbow photo for baby boy. He was so sweet and cuddly all wrapped up in blue. When I was photographing him with his sister he even sweetly smiled in his sleep. They were so cute together!

Once big sister was all done with her photos she got to head out with dad. It was play time and snack time for her while mom stayed at the studio with the baby boy for his beautiful blue rainbow photo. I had big sister’s photos from her newborn session on hand and ready. Mom and dad had two special photos from her newborn session as inspiration for part of Baby D’s session.

The Beautiful Blue Rainbow for a Baby Boy

I started Baby D’s individual photos on the posing cushion with white as the background colour. His sister’s special photo had also been on white but with a variety of colours to create a rainbow with. For Baby D’s photo, mom and dad wanted a similar photo but with different colours so I pulled a variety of different blue fabrics from my newborn collection. While Baby D happily snoozed away on my white posing cushion I placed the fabrics around him in the same way as I did for his sister. It turned out to be an amazing idea, I absolutely love how the beautiful blue rainbow for this baby boy turned out.

Can you guess which other photo was inspired by his sister’s newborn session?

Beautiful Blue Rainbow for a Baby Boy
Beautiful Blue Rainbow for a Baby Boy
Beautiful Blue Rainbow for a Baby Boy

Are you having a baby this Summer? I have special gift of a free milestone session for my pre-booked July and August newborn clients. To receive the details, contact us here