Posing newborn babies with siblings is one of the sweetest things I get to do as a photographer. Seeing their children together on set melts a parent’s heart every time! It’s heartwarming for me too to see clients’ welcome a new family member. I will never tire of capturing such joy and love on camera for families. I especially enjoy posing newborn babies with their siblings and parents.
Three years ago I photographed this big brother for his very own newborn session. This time he was coming back into the studio as a proud big brother. I couldn’t wait to see the two brothers together at their family’s newborn session.
When posing newborn babies with siblings I keep the session lighthearted and fun. Photo sessions don’t need to be boring and long! I know I’m working with shorter attention spans when there are brothers and sisters coming for photos. When I set up for sessions ahead of time I am planning to make the experience as short and as sweet as possible. I want siblings to be free to head out and play as soon as possible after their photos are finished.
Big brother was a superstar at Baby A’s session. He not only listened well he was also really full of joy and excitement for the session. This meant he was was happy to chat and play with me while I was posing newborn baby brother with his sibling. Big brother was so keen for photos that he sat next to his baby brother in a tiny bed and also laid with him. It was so sweet to see him cuddle up next to Baby A for photos.
After posing newborn baby with sibling
After Baby A’s family and sibling photos were all finished we goodbye to big brother. He had done such a great job and I would’ve love to have spent more time with him but it was time for Baby A’s individual newborn photos.
For his newborn portraits, mom and dad chose photos of him on the posing cushion. They selected a lovely neutral colour palette with a bit of blue and grey accents.
After all of the fun and excitement of family and sibling photos, Baby A seemed happy to snooze away on my posing cushion. He looked absolutely adorable nestled into the fabrics of the posing cushion and was a joy to pose and photograph.
Congratulations to his family, these boys are going to have so much fun growing up and playing together!
Are you having a baby this Summer? I have special gift of a free milestone session for my pre-booked June, July, and August newborn clients. To receive the details, contact us here

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