A splashing fun photo session in a giant puddle is a wonderful way to capture a child‘s excitement and joy as they play and splash. From the time my children could walk they have all loved to play in the water after the rain. Many hours have been spent following my children along from one puddle to the next. I think it must be a universal childhood joy! All of these lovely children had an incredible time at their Puddle Session.
This was the first year I have offered these splashing fun Puddle Sessions. I’d love to claim responsibility for this great idea. But it was actually many of my clients who asked for them. In 2021 I sent out a client survey asking what kinds of sessions my clients wanted for 2022. I was really surprised when I saw how many people wanted a Puddle Session for their children or family. I made sure to add these splashing fun photo sessions to my shooting schedule for April. April is the perfect month for puddles!
It was important to me that we had a deep, clean, and spacious puddle for my clients to enjoy. I found I needed to help Mother Nature along a bit with the puddle creation but I was thrilled to have found a way to make these fun sessions work.
On the day of their splashing fun photo sessions
When the children arrived at their sessions they were really excited to see just how big their puddle was. I think the best part of the day was seeing their faces when we told them to splash us if they can. The bigger the splash the better!
I love when families bring special props along with them to their sessions. For these splashing fun photo sessions umbrellas were a huge hit. Bright and playful umbrellas not only made a stylish accessory, they were also so much fun to play with in the big puddle. It’s a good thing that everyone brought along dry clothing with them to change into. Nobody ended up staying dry during these fun sessions, not even me!