Maternity Gowns for my Ottawa Studio: eight new gowns have made their way into my studio. They are all so beautiful that I can’t choose a favourite!

I know how challenging (and expensive) it can be to find maternity clothing that fits. I have a large selection of maternity dresses and gowns available for clients to wear during their sessions. Gowns, dresses, tutus, and versatile fabrics are all available for my maternity clients to use. Clients are welcome to wear their own outfits of course but many clients choose to use at least one gown.

I special ordered the gowns before moving into my new studio and they showed up while I was in the process of moving. Once I was all settled into my new studio I eagerly put out a model call for pregnant parents.

Modeling the Maternity Gowns for my Ottawa Studio

I hold model calls when I need to photograph new props, backdrops, and clothing for the studio wardrobe. The photos I take during model calls then get put into my client information and welcome packages. This means clients can see exactly how my maternity gowns and fabrics look when worn and really helps them choose the outfit that they like best.

These beautiful parents-to-be were excellent models for the new maternity gowns for my Ottawa studio. They all looked absolutely stunning in my new gowns!

When choosing the custom gowns I made sure to include a range of sizes. I like to have lots of maternity gown options for everyone. Light neutrals have been really popular so I’m thrilled to have several new white and cream options. Rich coloured maternity gowns are also increasingly popular so adding in a few new colour options like yellow and green was a must for me. After seeing all of my new gowns on these gorgeous moms-to-be in my Ottawa studio I still can’t choose a favourite. There is something special about each and every one. Which gown do you like best?

Maternity Gowns for my Ottawa Studio
Maternity Gowns for my Ottawa Studio