Navan Newborn Photography Session. What a treat it was to have this little one as my first newborn session in my new Navan photography studio. My studio was freshly painted and ready just days before little baby G’s newborn session. When your schedule is determined by the arrival of new babies you need to work fast moving studios. Check out photos of my new studio just a couple of weeks before this little boy’s session here.

The planning for Baby G’s session was started long before the lease was signed on my new studio. The first few days and weeks after a new baby arrives goes by very quickly. I find it much easier on new parents to have all of the session details sorted before baby is born.

Styling a Navan Newborn Photography Session

For this one’s first photos, his parents selected a Moment Newborn Session. Moment Newborn Sessions are perfect for families who would like beautiful photos of their baby either on the posing cushion or posed in my newborn props. For his newborn photos his parents opted for the ‘in props’ image type. Photos ‘in props’ are perfect for showing off how tiny and curled up baby is soon after their arrival. I love how nestled in and cozy this cutie looks posed in some of my favourite newborn props.

Among the types of props available to choose from for a newborn session are natural wood and dark wood props. There are also props available made out of metal wire and white wood so every family can have the look they’d like for their baby’s photos. This family loved my little wooden bed in particular so I made sure to include it in his session. It was clearly a great choice for him looking at the way he relaxed into the bed and snoozed away.

In the styling of their session I also included fabrics and accessories in the colours of the parents’ choice. Layering fabrics and textures in the props makes it extra comfy for baby but they also help create a beautiful backdrop for baby’s first photos. I love the way the earth tones and greens of the accessories work with the natural woods of the props for sweet Baby G’s photos.

Are you having a baby this Summer? I have special gift of a free milestone session for my pre-booked June, July, and August newborn clients. To receive the details, contact us here