Ottawa Firefighter Boots Session: This birthday boots photography session is a tradition I look forward to every year.
I have photographed each of these girls in the same firefighter boots since their newborn sessions. Ever since then we have had a birthday boots photography session in my studio for them. The annual session is perfect for capturing how much they’ve grown since their last birthdays. Check out their last session here!
When our children are little we often believe that the pace of our lives will slow down as they get older. As our lives expand with our children’s growing circles of friends and activities, time goes by even faster. An annual birthday session is perfect for making sure you don’t miss out on capturing all of your child’s growth and changes.
Red Shirt Tradition
We have had many of these Ottawa firefighter boots sessions so we are experts as planning the sessions. Mom always finds just the right red outfits for the girls to wear. I love how their red clothing and my black backdrop has tied together their photos over the years. The girls have a wonderful collection of photos for their albums!
Because I have known the girls for so many years now we always have a wonderful time in the studio catching up and laughing together. Even when my jokes aren’t very good they humour me and smile anyway. Sessions with older children are a delight, its such a joy to watch their personalities and interests develop.
We kept the Ottawa firefighter boots session short but sweet. Both big sister and little sister know exactly what to do at their session so we made quick work of their session. After they left the studio I eagerly went to my computer so that I could take a look at their photos and get to work editing them. I think I was as excited as the family to see the final product!