How has it already been 4 months since this precious little guy’s newborn session?
Baby E already looks so different and was full of smiles during his 4th month milestone session.
During a session with a four month old, it’s incredible to capture the amazing changes baby has already made since their birth. Babies at this age can typically hold their head up for a short period of time, make eye contact, and maybe even smile for a few photos. When parents join in for a 4th month milestone session it’s a wonderful opportunity to photograph how these exciting milestones shape their interactions together.
Baby E would smile whenever he looked at his parents and snuggled in close when held in their arms. While mom and dad are clearly the world to him he was certainly curious about me and my camera. His looks followed me around the room and gave me lots of curious expressions to photograph. He even gave me a few smiles as he warmed up to me as I chatted away to him. I will see him again soon at his 8th month session and look forward to seeing how much he has grown and changed again.
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