On May 7th, 2020 our puppy Hazel was born. She joined our family on July 3rd and today we celebrated her first birthday! Scroll down for cake smash photos and click here to see her newborn puppy session.

What a first year it’s been! We couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful and loving distraction during Covid. The boys are the perfect age to help with her training and care, which means she has an amazing bond with all three of them after the last year at home.

Homeschool gym class has centered around walking the dog. Distanced visits with friends are much more fun when there’s a dog to play frisbee and ball with. Camping with a puppy was hilarious because everything was a new experience for her. She loved tobogganing this Winter and this Spring discovered the joy of creeks and water.

Thanks to Hazel we have met so many neighbours and people in our neighbourhood. We’ve had a reason to get out of the house everyday. We’ve spent hundreds of hours in the forest because it’s her favourite place to be.

We have a wonderful foot warmer. Virtual school head rest. Floor cleaner. Cheerer-upper. She has countless friends because she adores people and dogs and her favourite thing to do is throw herself on your feet and ask for belly rubs.

Our home is a happier place because of her and we are forever grateful for that.

My eldest son baked her a ‘dog safe’ cake and we had a cake smash session this morning to celebrate her birthday. After week ?? of lockdown, we all needed a reason to celebrate!