There is absolutely no love quite like that love you immediately feel for your new baby once they’re born. When I’m photographing new parents with their baby one of my favourite things is watching them as they look at their little one, they can’t help but smile in a way that radiates such an indescribable amount of love. The photos of these lovely new parents cuddling their baby boy so clearly show how head-over-heels in love they already are.

Mr. S loved snuggling up with his parents for photos together but for his photos alone I first nestled him onto the posing cushion for sweet and sleepy photos on his tummy. At only three weeks of age he already had such adorable cheeks and baby rolls that I just had to capture up close on camera.

For his photos in my props, I gathered some of my animal newborn stuffies together with some complimentary fabric layers to help create a woodland themed look for some of Mr. S’s photos. The tiny little stuffies add such a sweet and playful look to his gallery and will make adorable wall art in his nursery.