Love is in the air
If you’re looking for fun and easy Valentine’s photo and craft ideas for your little ones, you definitely want to read on!
1. Spell it out: Pick up a set of white or unpainted letters at the craft store. You can either leave them ‘as is’ or, depending on the age of your child, have them help you paint the letters. For babies who aren’t yet sitting, lay them on the floor with the letters and stand overhead to take your photos. Make sure you’ve positioned them close to a window (so the light is coming in from the side). For babies who are sitting, you can sit them with their back against a plain wall and take four different photos: one of them holding each letter. If toddlers or older children don’t like sitting still, considering putting a few stickers on the back of the letter to look at and having them sit on a chair or stool.

2. Happy faces: If you’d love to take a series of happy and joyful photos, consider buying a few pink, red, and white balloons for your little ones to play with. It’s a fun alternative to the traditional hearts and the expressions you’ll capture as they play with the balloons will definitely be frame worthy.

3. Special delivery: Hand and foot print crafts are a great way to entertain your kids on cold Winter days but also make a great keepsake for their memory box and for family and friends. These are some of my favourite handprint card ideas for Valentines Day.

4. Bright and cheerful: If you’d like to create your own backdrop to take Valentine’s photos, find a plain wall close to a window where you can either remove or move furniture to clear a space for your child to sit (or stand). Foam or felt hearts can be easily added to the wall using painters tape, which won’t damage the paint. If the idea of a really colourful backdrop appeals to you, hang party streamers vertically on the wall so they create a curtain of red, white, and pink. They can be attached at the top with painters tape.

5. Red isn’t always best: Red is one of the hardest colours to photograph. It’s really difficult to get an accurate photo of the true colour and it also tends to create colour casts on skin and light coloured clothing. In the Winter months, when there isn’t a lot of natural light, it’s much easier to photograph the colour white or pale pink. Considering dressing your child in lighter colours and using red as an accent colour.

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