The end of Summer with its earlier and glowing sunsets is one of my favourite times of the year. Right near the end of August, Mother Nature gives us the most beautiful sunsets and gives me just the right conditions for creating photographic magic. Sunsets and Silhouettes Sessions are a unique type of session that is ideal for creating beautiful and dazzling images. No two sessions are the same and I love that so many families are up for the excitement and creativity that comes along with these fun sessions.

The timing and weather conditions need to be just right for these special sessions but the beauty and magic is always worth the wait. This year we danced, we played ball, we battled with swords, we captured beautiful baby bellies, and we created special mementos for so many incredible families. I know many of my clients have big plans for how to display their families’ silhouettes and I can’t wait to see them up on their walls!

Ottawa Families