ottawa newborn photographer

I am always thrilled to hear when my clients are expecting a new baby. Even after almost 10 years, it has never gotten any less exciting to hear such news. When I found out this precious little guy was on his way I was overcome with happiness for this wonderful family and already couldn’t wait to meet him. Welcome to the world little T!

ottawa newborn photography
ottawa newborn photos

I’ve been photographing big brother every few months since before he was born and he always brought his Hulk toy with him to every session so I was excited to see what little T would bring along with him for his first photos. Baby Yoda was the perfect choice!

ottawa baby photos
ottawa new baby

As well as with Baby Yoda, this cutie also had photos with mom and dad and big brother too. They are so much in love with their little one, mom and dad are just glowing with their adoration of him in their photos.

ottawa family photos

For his individual newborn portraits, mom and dad wrapped him up in a selection of my neutral and green fabrics and layers which were perfect for his photos in the forest and fields. He sweetly snoozed most of the session away but every now and then he’d wake up a bit to see what was going. With lots of big brother activity going on around him I don’t think he will ever want to miss out on any fun!

ottawa dads
ottawa moms
ottawa outdoor newborn photos

Ottawa Newborn Photographer