One of the most exciting days of the year for most children is that first day back to school. Between the kiddos’ eagerness to see their friends and their excitement about new beginnings there aren’t many more pivotal days in a child’s year than the transition into a new grade.  

My Back to School Sessions always so much fun and I love that they are becoming a tradition for many of my clients. These sessions are perfect for capturing all of the children’s excitement about the new school year and for creating beautiful mementos at a time when they’re growing and changing so quickly. I couldn’t believe how much some of these kiddos had grown since last year! 

My previous Back to School clients were old hats at this and we had a wonderful time catching up as I took their new photos. I also had the pleasure of seeing some adorable new faces at this years’ Back to School event. It was wonderful how the younger children were able to see their older peers have their photos taken so when it was their turn there was no nervousness and they eagerly hopped up for their photos. I hope everyone has a wonderful school year and I can’t wait to see you again next year!