Do you have a baby or toddler? Do you need ideas and tips for recording all your little ones memories and milestones? Then my Memory Making Magazine is for you!
Taking Photos in the Bright Sun As much as I enjoy the bright Summer sun, it can definitely make it challenging to take photos outdoors. During the middle of the day, when the sun is the highest in the sky, it’s often challenging to photograph people because the sun makes it difficult to look at the camera. There are advantages of the bright midday sun, like abundant light and beautiful bright colours, which is why I’m sharing some of my tips for photographing your babies and children in the midday sun. 1. Rather than focusing on portraits of your baby or toddler, stand back and take a photo of whatever they’re doing that includes the landscape and surrounding scenery. Notice how rich the colours are and how blue the sky is? This is definitely one of the advantages of taking photos in the middle of the day! |

2. Take advantage of your height and photograph your baby or toddler from above. When you take a photo from above, squinting eyes can be avoided and you can still capture them playing or enjoying the sun. If they’re not wearing a hat, you can still capture their smiling face as you photograph them on a slight angle. The one challenge of photographing them from above is your shadow, which is why you’ll need to experiment with where you stand. If you don’t want your shadow in the photo, make sure you’re not standing with the sun to your back. |

3. Whenever you can, avoid mixed light. Do you see in the photo below how my son’s right foot is lit by the sun and his left foot is in shadow? Because our eyes are automatically drawn to the brightest part of the photo, you want to try to make sure that your subject has even light on them. However if you only want to draw your viewer’s attention to part of the photo, this is a great way to use the sun to your advantage: you can photograph your subject in the sun and use the shadows to eliminate any distracting elements. |

4. When the sun is high in the sky, the light reflects off our clothing and back onto our faces, which is why you may want to consider the colours you’ve dressed your child in if you’re taking a lot of photos. Can you see below how my son’s face is orange because of the colour of his bright sun shirt? |

5. If you’re struggling to take photos of your baby or toddler that don’t have them squinting towards the camera or if there’s mixed light on their face, consider focusing on other details of the scene until they are settled a nd playing quietly in one place. Remember that not all photos have to have a smiling face in them for the photo to tell a story or to be meaningful! |
