I am thrilled to share the three images that were accepted into the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) National Image Competition in 2019. After submitting images for the first time in 2018 and having all four images rejected, I knew that the standards for inclusion were rigourous. Thanks to the support and encouragement of the local PPOC members I decided to enter four images again this year and was excited to find out that two were accepted and a third was accepted, with merit.

“A group of highly qualified judges, all of whom have obtained their Craftsman of Photographic Arts or Master of Photographic Arts designation, and have been trained as jurors, assemble to review submissions. These jurors have the monumental task of viewing in excess of 800 images, setting aside any personal bias and judging objectively, to determine those images worthy of being accepted into the Salon Exhibition.”
Listening to the live judging is always an educational experience as you can hear the comments the judges make on each image as well as whether or not the image is rejected, accepted, accepted with merit, or accepted with excellence. Decisions can be challenged by other members of the judging panel and you can listen to the deliberations as they decide on the final status of the image. You can see the entire gallery of 2019 Salon images here.
Without further ado, here are the three images that were accepted into the 2019 National Image Salon:

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