Before you have children the living room, or maybe even the kitchen, feels like the centre of the home. But when your children are first born your world quickly revolves around sleep (or the lack thereof) and you find yourself spending much more of your day in the bedroom. Sleepy cuddles with your baby, tickles on the toes, nursery rhymes, and hours of storytime on the bed together are your new reality for at least the next few years.

Some of my fondest memories of my family time when the boys were young (and I was at my most sleep deprived!) were spent lounging and relaxing together on our big bed. Those memories are the inspiration for my newest newborn session option, photographs on my beautiful studio bed set. While new it has quickly become one of my favourite sessions to photograph. Clients who select the bed set love the relaxed feeling of the session and are so happy to see the beautiful, candid photographs that I am able to take of their baby and family.

The studio bed set is a light and airy backdrop that evokes feelings of togetherness and affection. It is perfect for families who want photographs of their family interacting with their newest little member. Cuddles, tickles, and gazes of wonder at their sweet new baby are captured perfectly on the timeless backdrop.

For families with older siblings already at home, the lifestyle nature of the studio bed set can be particularly well suited to photographs of them together. Children enjoy the familiarity of the bed and happily cuddle up with their new brother or sister for those first sweet sibling photographs that always mean so much to new parents. We have great fun while I am taking their photos and I love that I am able to get down on their level and play games with them during their session with their new baby. Many happy memories are made and captured during these special sessions.

Families who are on the more casual and laid back side are always thrilled to be able to choose clothing that is more informal or relaxed for their newborn session. Choosing clothing for a session can be challenging at times but the backdrop of the bed set takes the pressure off as simple and casual are well suited for this session.

With 2018 here I am so looking forward to welcoming more families and their precious new babies into the studio for their first family photographs together. 

To book your session, send an email to