“Ours is a blended family, with four children in all: two boys from one side, one boy from the other, and now, a girl. The great challenge and concern when bringing together kids is how they will react to one another. Which is why we count ourselves blessed that all our boys have acted as best friends since day one. Then we chose to add a baby; our girl. How would the boys react to her? After all, there is between 6 and 11 years difference in age! They have, without exception, amazed us. They have been caring, helpful, loving brothers. We could not ask for more.
Children are transparent, unfiltered. When they like something, you will know. When they do not, you will know sooner. Likewise, as they say, the camera cannot lie. So, to look at the result of our photoshoot, and see the adoring eyes of our three boys smiling at our daughter, confirms that it isn’t just the delusion of two exhausted parents. But that, truly, we now have four children that adore one another, with their sister as their common bond.”
Sara McConnell Photography ~ Ottawa Family Photos