family at the CHEO teddy bear picnic in ottawa

The CHEO Teddy Bear picnic is an event that our whole family looks forward to all year long.  In recent years I’ve even started scheduling my Spring sessions to ensure I don’t miss it!  This year it was our first to-do item on our Summer of Awesome list.

When the boys were little their favourite part was seeing the Army and police vehicles as well as getting to explore the ambulance.  As they’ve gotten older what they most look forward to is the B.A.S.H tent and dental clinic.  Most of June is spent trying to decide which of their stuffed animals gets to come with them and negotiating with us to bring more than one furry friend.

My youngest loves the carnival rides and fair food (mmmm cotton candy for breakfast), my middle son loves the petting zoo, and my oldest son loves to play the games.  If you want to take full advantage of everything on site I would definitely recommend getting there early: we typically arrive between 8:00 am and 8:30 am before some of the activities have even started.

On our first trip there as a family of five my littlest guy was only four weeks old.  Seeing the photos side by side makes me realize how quickly the last five years has passed, how grateful I am that the boys still love the picnic, and how much I love these annual traditions.

family at the CHEO teddy bear picnic in ottawa