Donating to Roger’s House in celebration of 5 years in business
The fifth anniversary of Sara McConnell Photography is on December 1st. With the madness of Fall sessions and then Holiday sessions, I will admit that it sneaked up on me. I had a sudden realization on November 17th that it was coming and in some ways understood that maybe I wasn’t too busy to forget but too overwhelmed to process what has unfolded in the last five years.
There will be giveaways and stories and celebrations but on the 1st I will celebrate the past five years by writing a $5000 cheque to Roger’s House. Because more than anything what I am most grateful for is the people that my business has brought into my life; Friends I have reconnected with, clients who have become friends, the stories that people have shared with me, and for the time I’ve spent with so many incredible families.
In the summer of 2013 my lifelong friend’s son came into this world too soon. His entire family was devastated and I was heartbroken for their loss. I brought meals and listened and was there for distraction and late night texts but I felt helpless. In another life, I was a grief counsellor and so as much as my professional mind knew how normal the intense process of grief is, its very different to stand beside a friend than it is as a professional with a client.
In his memory I set out to raise $500 for Roger’s House, an 8-bed paediatric facility located on the grounds of CHEO, which offers incredibly important services and support to children and their families including respite care, end of life care, pain & symptom management, grief & bereavement support and perinatal hospice care. I wanted to honour their baby boy’s life and support a charity that brought comfort and support to families at the most challenging time in their lives.
That year we raised a total of $2075 for Roger’s House by auctioning off Holiday Light sessions. It was overwhelming and emotional and I was so grateful to the families and my friends who bid on sessions knowing the entire proceeds would be donated to Roger’s House. In 2014 I set out to match my previous donation and was honoured to be able to write a cheque for $3100. I will never forget the families I have met through my Holiday Light sessions and the stories people have shared about the babies who are part of their family even though they are no longer in their arms.
On December 1st the $5000 cheque will be written in his memory. He is loved and missed and will always be remembered. To the families who have shared their personal stories and connections with Roger’s House and to those who have donated generously to my efforts thank you for your kindness, support, and for the daily reminders about how important our connectedness and support of one another is.